We look forward to hearing from you.


Initial Psychological Evaluation: 65 Minutes

Dr. Rachel Feit, Psy.D – $250

Ferran Dennis, LCSW – $200

All first-time clients must schedule an initial psychological evaluation.

Standard Session: 55 Minutes

Dr. Rachel Feit, Psy.D – $200

Ferran Dennis, LCSW – $175

* Dr Feit is able to provide out of network reimbursement claims to your insurance. This out of network claim will provide all information your insurance company requires in order to reimburse your sessions.

Consultation Services

Rates vary. Please contact drfeit@evolvebehavioralpsych.com to discuss individualized pricing for your specific needs.

Lectures, Workshops and Conferences

We would love to collaborate with you! Please contact drfeit@evolvebehavioralpsych.com to start the conversation.

Lectures, workshops and conferences can be tailored to meet the needs of the company. In the past, examples of these include, but are not limited to: wellness/burnout, resiliency, employee satisfaction, team building, communication skills, giving and receiving feedback, psychological diagnosis, treatment and assessment, management of acute stress, women’s health, Postpartum Depression, parenting, grief and loss, health and wellness, cancer’s journey, resilience and more.

Contact Us.
